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Friday, July 15, 2011

100 Mile Fitness Challenge-Week #2

Well, I'm off to a slow start.  Between all the family visiting in the last two weeks and the major storm that knocked power out all over the area for 3-5 days,  I was only able to post 6 miles this week, all walking.  I was hoping to swim this week and discovered on Monday morning that my local pool was closed for the week for cleaning.  Shortly thereafter, the biggest storm in 10 years hit the entire region, knocking out power to 800,000 customers, including my fitness center where I like to treadmill.   No power there for 3 days.  Yikes,  that meant I had to actually walk outside in the heat with all the lovely misquitos who love to feast on me.  Do I sound whiny enough in my excuse-making here?!?  

I know the value of consistent exercise.  In my journey toward better health and fitness in the last two years,  I was able to bring my blood pressure down to an acceptable measurement because I was able to lose 30 pounds.  Those 30 pounds only came off because of consistent exercise (cardio and strength training) and careful intake of food.  Sixteen of those 30 pounds has inched back on me in 2011 and my blood pressure has inched upward, too, which is scary.

So I'm celebrating those 6 miles walked this week, as well as the 1 hour collective strength training I did this week, knowing every step taken, every weight lifted, and every exercise performed moves me closer to my goal of normal blood pressure and a healthy, safe weight.

So, how did you do this week?  

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